From April 4th to 8th 2022 all the Erasmus+ Project “SVOVE – The Social Value of VET”‘s partners were guests of the International Hellenic University of Thessaloniki, to continue working on the project’s requests.
5 days of work, debates, comparisons and interesting moments to discover the city and the rich surrounding areas, which not only strengthened the relationships between the work teams members, but also lead to valuable conclusions for the project’s purpose.

Day 1, April 4th – Welcome and introductions
It was since December 2019 that the international teams taking part in the project had not met in person. Covid-19 has certainly slowed down the work, but there has been no lack of opportunities to work, thanks to the meetings that have been held online over the years. Last, certainly not least, the LTTA organized by the Finnish team of SKY – Opisto – Diakonia College of Finland.
For this reason, the first day was very useful to retrace what has been done so far, to get to know each other or to meet again and to lay the foundations for the work of the following days.

Day 2, April 5th – Subdivision into technical groups and opening of the works
The work on the second day began with subdivision of the working groups. The meeting goal is to draw up a complete syllabus on the figure of the socio-beautician. For this reason, on the 2nd day the participants of all teams were divided into groups based on their technical skills. Three groups resulted:
- the group made up of all beauticians and experts in the beauty and wellness sector;
- the group of medical teams;
- the group of marketing and training experts.
At this point they got to the heart: each group began to complete a document by entering the skills, in order of importance, that the socio-beautician should have. And objective that immediately created a prolific discussion on the subject, shedding light on aspects that had not been explored so far. First of all, the theme of the name of the professional figure which, for example in Italian can only be called socio-beautician, but in other languages it can be defined in very different ways (e.g. in English it can be both socio-beautician or socio-esthetician).

Day 3, April 6th – A day dedicated also to the social program
On the third day the partners enjoyed the wonderful welcome of the Greek team, who accompanied them on a trip to the Museum of the Tomb of Philip II in Verghina. An unrepeatable experience, which emphasizes the importance of all-round enrichment offered on occasions like this.

Day 4, April 7th – Work’s resumption
The teams met again in the classrooms of the International Hellenic University of Thessaloniki to resume work divided into groups on the syllabus. The prolific exchange of opinions and constructive clarifications continued, fundamental for completing the different parts and arriving at a conclusion to be presented on the occasion of the final day of the meeting.

Day 5, April 8th – Work’s closing and definition of the next appointments
On the last day of the meeting, the groups met in plenary assembly to explain their work to others and reach a shared and common conclusion. Inevitably, many points of discussion have opened up: there has been much discussion this has led to numerous new ideas to be discussed in view of the last meeting scheduled in Lyon in September.
Once the work was completed, each team resumed their way home, each considerably enriched and eager to continue working towards the project’s conclusion.