On September 26th, 27th and 28 the project works ended. The final TPM was held in Perugia, hosted by Ecipa Umbria, the project’s leader. The whole project was a great experience for anyone and gave the partners the determination to continue working on the social value of well being.

Day 1, September 26th – Welcome and introduction

On the first day the partners met in the spaces of Ecipa Umbria, only 20 days after the 3rd LTTA in Lyon. The days between the two appointments were hectic, everyone worked hard to achieve the shared standard for the training of future socio-beautician.

The partners worked for the final changes in preparation of the presentation to the general public the following day.

Day 2, September 27th – Meeting the Institutions

The meeting with the authorities was held on the second day. It was opened by Michela Traversini and Laura Grilli, both beauticians with two different experiences in the field of socio-aesthetics. Michela, who had already taken part in the project, spoke of her experience as a recognized social beautician in a hospital in Umbria. Laura Grilli – president of CEPEC – made a recap of our work during the past meetings and spoke of her experience as volunteer social beautician.

Marina Gasparri and Piera Santicchia, CNA Umbria – Michela Traversini – Laura Grilli, CEPEC

Two important interventions, which gave even more value to the work done for the project and which were carefully listened by the authorities who intervened after them.

Marina Gasparri welcomed everyone as Ecipa Umbria‘s President and gave her opinion on the importance of having a shared standard for the training of future socio-beautician as head of wellness sector in CNA Umbria, together with Piera Santicchia – representative of CNA Umbria’s wellness sector. Laura Cipollone and Perlita Vallasciani – respectively head of the wellness sector and president of the aesthetic sector of CNA Nazionale – did the same from a national point of view, deepening the regulatory issues regarding Italy.

Laura Cipollone, CNA Nazionale – Perlita Vallasciani, CNA Nazionale – Carla Collesi, Regione Umbria

The meeting was ended by Carla Collesi – Head of the Regional system for identifying, validating and certifying skills Section, Integrated Employment Policies Service Regione Umbria – who gave full support to the future developments of the project.

Day 3, September 28th – The project is going to end

The last day was devoted to the formalities relating to the closure of the project. But the heart of the day was the will of all the partners to continue working together in order to make the results obtained even more concrete. The waters are already moving to give life to a SVoVE 2: will this adventure not end here?